What is a Logo? How it should be?

Classic & Neutral
A logo is a graphic mark of identity, it represents one's business big or small. We have a face and people can recognize us by our face...they know how you are and they get their first impressions about yourself just by looking at you... guess what; A logo is exactly the same! is the face of your business in front of others.
In a world full of brands, business, companies, freelance etc... if you want your services to stand up You need to put a Face on it! and that face should be good enough to draw attetion.

Now that we know what is a logo let's talk a lil bit about HOW it should be. Well since I was studying graphic design my teachers always told me that a logo had certain quealities that must remain untouched such as: 

  • Scalability: it should be a image simple enough to resist change of sizes since 2 x 2 cm to bigger sizes and still be easy to read and understand, when a logo has to much flourishes it is hard tomodify it sizes cause it loses detail quality.
  • Simplicity: Bruno munari used to say: "it is very easy to complicate, the hard thing is to simplfy" and that's why designers are needed "To simplify" people's issues about image and concepts and make mark that can be memorable or suitable for someone to work with in their business.
  • Black and white: it should be possible to be read in black and white version as much as in full color.
  • Neutral: This is a very important feature, because of this a logo can be timeless... if a logo is based on a specific event, moment or fashion and it represents very well that moment as soon as the moment passes you by also the logo will. That's why it should be adaptable to the society you're in but without taking any parts or sides, so it can be timeless inside that society not depending on the fashion moment or situation.
Simple & neutral & Adaptable
As it is for me those are my basic tips about what a logo should be, I write this because sometimes clients want a "logo" but when you show them the samples they say "this is not what I expected" and if you talk to then a lil bit more you realize that they were expecting a big image full of 3D effects... gradients and splashes... that is when you see they are confusing a LOGO with a BANNER and I hope clients who read this now can get a different idea about what it is and what to expect from their designers when a logo is requested.

Simple &Timeless &Neutral& Scalable

Im relatively new into this since I've been practicing design as graduated only for two years but in this time I've learned a lot of things that I never found on my university, because when you study a profession you can only master it on the field once you start facing it and struggling with the real life design issues, as for now I just try to the apply to the K.I.S.S principle which is the same that Bruno Munari said but with different words.

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